Wednesday, May 13, 2009

When It Rains, It Pours....

Isn't that how the saying goes??? That seems to be how things are going for me at the moment.

I'm going to be ready to get away for a while and attend the pigs shows with Adam.... I hope :-) Still don't have any definite details regarding work and what's going to be happening the next few months as things progress. Hopefully they'll be able to give me a more definite answer this next week.

I had to be the "desperate woman" on the side of the road yesterday. I talked to my aunt, to see how she was doing after her surgery on her hand, finished my pig chores and headed home... or tried to. I heard a pop when I went to turn and drive off and figured my wonderful tired went flat....again...yes again.... luckily that wasn't it, so I decided to keep driving. I called Adam to let him know I may need a ride but he was still busy at work and didn't answer. The noise got worse and it didn't matter if I was going 30 or 55. I pulled over again and the tire wasn't flat, but I figured I really shouldn't be driving on it incase it's something else. I made it to the end of the road and pulled off. I checked all my belts and everything under the hood and it looked good, made sure nothing was hanging down from my car and it all looked good. I called Adam again and told him I was on the side of the road...he was still working and didn't answer. So I called the swine farm, I told Al what was going on and Adam came over shortly to see me. I told him it's really weird b/c the noise stops as soon as you hit the brakes. I wonder if it isn't something to do with those... usually the noise comes though when you're not hitting the brakes, not when you push on them. So we dropped it off at the repair shop and they're looking at it today.....

We ended up going to the Ridge last night and Adam mixed some feed and shut the barn doors b/c of the rain. He had a great idea of going to West Cyde Wings for their $0.39 wing deal. I told him that was a wonderful idea after the day I had... but I really wanted to get my commit to fit steps in for the night. Luckily he had found a weedeater at the Ridge and wanted to work on that. So I headed over to the clubhouse and walked for 45 minutes and got my 10,000 steps in :-) and he had the weedeater pretty well going. It's a good thing his Grandpa Willis gave him a toolbox full of tools b/c we wouldn't have had much to work with otherwise. I told he'd need to thank him the next time he prays for the tools b/c he sure has gotten a lot of use out of them. :-) He said he has a couple more tweaks to make and then he'd be ready to roll. I'm very proud of how mechanically inclined he's become. We'll now have way to help keep the grass down a little bit at the Ridge....that would be our only form of "mowing" there. :-) We enjoyed a great meal at West Cyde with Dan and headed home to relax and get ready for the next day.....

Which leads me to today... the repair shop called and I was right it was an issue with my brakes... I have to have new front brakes, the rear rotors are almost rusted completely through so those are being replaced, and the air filter needs to be replaced. I can do the air filter myself... but while they're working they may as well put it in. We go to Trickles here in Ames for everything we need, from oil changes, to flat tires, to brakes and rotors. :-) They know Adam well and take good care of us. Luckily this bill should only be around $426.00. However it ended up being $466.00 :-(. Not what I really needed to hear this time of the month, but luckily pay day is coming up soon!! I'm just glad I had Adam around to help me out with all of this. This is the first time I've had to take a car to the repair shop for something more than an oil change...and usually don't do that if I don't have to... I don't know how I like being an "adult" and dealing with unexpected bills. :-) I do know that I need to set a better budget and stick to it so it won't be so tight in situations like this!! That's for sure.

I'm taking part in a Commit to Fit challenge at my office. It started May 10th and ends June 20th. It's a team and individual event. My team is comprised of 10 of us from the office (the maximum on one team) from all different departments. A few of our team name ideas were "Women on a Mission", "Golden Girls", and many more. Then we added a male to the I thought it would be cute to be the "Golden Girls and Shannon"...yes he is a male, but figured it wouldn't work out like that. We ended up adding on two other males so we came up with the name "Shape Shifters". Our team level is beginner and we all as individuals are beginners with one member being an intermediate.

What it boils down to... we were each given a pedometer and put it on when we get up and record the number of steps we took when we go to bed each night. As a beginner the goal was set to get 6,000 steps in 3 times per week. We can record a maximum of 10,000 steps per day. The intermediate goal is 10,000 steps 5 times per week, and a maximum of 14,000 steps per day. I thought it would be difficult to get to 6,000 steps in a day, but it's not too bad. Since we can wear it all day I leave the office with almost 3,00 steps under my belt. :-) Somedays a little more. We're trying to get a nice day so we can walk around outside and get a few additional steps in over lunch. I am proud to say though I have gotten over 10,000 steps in each day. Adam's Grandma Bev told me it really doesn't do much good if you're just walking around casually and using those would help to get your heart rate up. So instead of settling for 6,000 I've actually gone on walks and RAN...I haven't done that in years and it was only a quarter mile....thank goodness! :-) I see now how out of shape I am.

It's was a good idea on the company's part to come up with this challenge though... we're working towards getting a t-shirt and being entered for a drawing. The prize is a Wii and Wii Fit. They give one away for each of the 3 levels, beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Like Adam said it helps when they give you a goal to reach and a way to track it. Plus the thrill of competition is great. :-) So I will, as captain, hopefully lead my team to first place and a prize of $150.00 for the team to split and win Wii and Wii Fit for myself. :-) YAY!

Well, back to work for the day. Hopefully the rest of the week/weekend looks up. :-)


P.S. Michelle--- here's your update :-)

I Heart My Car :)

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